DFL Precinct Caucus 2024: The future starts here!
Tuesday February 27th, 2024 from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Eden Prairie High School, East Commons
Registration begins at 6:30 pm. Call to order is at 7 pm.
By attending your 2024 DFL Precinct Caucus, you’ll have the opportunity to help build the changes you’d like to see in your community.
What is a Precinct Caucus?
A precinct caucus is the first step in the democratic process. A group of neighbors (grouped into ‘precincts’) gather together to discuss issues, candidates, and help shape the DFL platform in their local communities, the state, and the nation.
At caucus you will:
Meet neighbors and build relationships
Meet candidates seeking local, state, and national offices
Elect your precinct’s chair and vice-chair
Elect delegates to represent your precinct at upcoming conventions
Create and discuss resolutions for consideration in the DFL Party Platform
Our party platform is shaped by grassroots activists and DFLers across Minnesota. Help keep Minnesota Blue in 2024 by joining your community for Caucus on February 27th!
How Can I Participate?
To be eligible to attend and participate in the 2024 DFL Precinct Caucus taking place on February 27th, you will be asked to certify that:
You live at the address indicated on your form, which is within Senate District 49.
You consider yourself a member of the DFL Party and agree with its principles as stated in the Preamble of the State DFL Constitution and Bylaws (below).
The Preamble: We, the members of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota, [wish to] organize and perpetuate a representative, effective, and responsible party organization in the State of Minnesota, affiliate with and advance the interests of the Democratic Party nationally, sustain and advance the principles of liberal democracy, and uphold human rights, civil rights and constitutional government.
You are not an active member of any other party.
By November 5, 2024, you will be at least 18 years old, as required to become a delegate or alternate, or precinct officer; OR you will be at least 16 years old, as required to hold other party office.
Registrations will be done onsite. Please ensure you meet the requirements above to participate.
Join us at Eden Prairie High School, East Commons on Tuesday February 27th at 6:30 pm. Full event details can be found here.
Call to order is at 7 pm, so please prepare to register and find your room from 6:30 to 7 pm.
Please bring your precinct number, which can be found here.
If you want to help shape the DFL party platform and bring light to an issue, please fill out this Resolution Form and bring in a hard copy if possible.
If you want to participate in your local DFL precinct caucus but can’t attend in person, you can use a non-attendee form. Please send the form to chair@dfl49.org by Saturday February 24th.
As a non-attendee you won’t be able to vote for candidates, delegates, or resolutions, but you will be able to:
Be nominated/elected as a precinct officer or convention delegate
Submit resolutions for caucus approval
Sign up to be an Election Judge or convention volunteer