Why We Caucus

We asked DFLers in Eden Prairie and Minnetonka why they caucus. Here’s what they had to say:

“I caucus to make my voice heard, support issues I care about, and support candidates I like.” - Andy Johnson

“I am new to Minnesota and I am very interested in seeing how this process works and how I can be involved in my party.” - Susy Blake

I want a seat at the table, because otherwise I’d be on the menu.” - Kat Johnson

“I go to caucus to see and listen to candidates and enthusiastic members of the party, and to add to resolutions of interest.” - Saoudy Saoudy

It’s the chance for every DFLer to contribute and influence the party’s goals and candidates.” - George Maxwell

“I caucus to be a part of my community and a part of the DFL platform.” - Katie White

“I go to caucus because it provides me with a unique opportunity as a 16 year old to contribute and influence the DFL platform while joining a dedicated community!” - Vandana Ramanathan

“I am new to Minnesota. Attending caucus allows me to become a part of the community as I make this my new home.” - Deb Larson

What’s your reason? Click the link below to join us for Caucus on February 27th


You’re Invited!


This Month in History: Deciphering Townhalls, Caucuses, and Primaries